- +7(4012)423530
- Трансфер39, Россия, г.Калининград, ул. Багратиона, 111, 3 этаж, 236006
- info@transfer39.com
Polish Airports near with Kaliningrad area:
Kaliningrad have good location beetwen Lithuania and Poland. For Europe fans is it very comfortable. Because the largest and most popular flight hub located in Warsaw (airport Chopin). This airport have about 100 distinations. Warsaw airport situated from Kaliningrad about 400 km (about 6 hours, include time in border).
Airport Modlin (Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki) situated 350 km from Kaliningrad and specializes in cheapest flights from EU. Lowcost companies like as Ryanair, Easyjet, Norwegian air.
The second popular Airport of Gdansk it situated about 200 km to Kaliningrad. (about 4 hours, include time in border). The best and fast destination for fans who came to World Footbal Cup 2018 (Kaliningrad).
Lithuanian and Latvian Airports
Ofcourse you can arrive in Riga Airport or Vilnius Airport (400 km to Kaliningrad) this airport have more flight from Scandinavian countries and United Kindom. (Its take about 4 hours to border and 2 hour after of it)